
15 Best Tips For Self-Care


15 Best Tips For Self-Care




The Importance of  Self-Care


I’m going to give you my 15 best tips for self-care and explain why it’s so important.  Self-care is really all about loving yourself enough to make your needs a priority and living a fuller, healthier life by taking better care of yourself. That’s not to say we discount the needs of our family, friends, or work. They are definitely a priority, but I’ve learned over the years that the expression, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” is really so true.

Far too often we spend all our time and energy trying to meet the needs of family and friends and end up neglecting our own health and well-being. You may even be a “people-pleaser” and want to make everyone happy, as I tend to be. We may perceive that putting our needs first may seem selfish. Actually, self-care is not selfish at all. It’s ensuring that we are better equipped to love and care for the needs of our family, and beyond. So my 15 best tips for self-care are listed below to help you.


Signs You Need More Self-Love


Do you find yourself feeling stressed out throughout the day, and being pulled in many directions at once? Does it seem as though there’s never enough time to take care of everyone’s wants and needs, as well as your own? If you often feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends, chances are you probably are. When you don’t take care of your emotional needs and you allow stress to rule, the things that you once loved doing won’t feel the same.

We often tend to put ourselves on the back burner. I know this is something I did myself for years. I worked hard at trying to be the perfect mom, wife, teacher, friend, and the list goes on. I didn’t want to let anyone down.  But in the meantime, I was becoming more and more frazzled. If this sounds familiar, then it may be a sign that you need to slow down and show yourself some more self-love.

*To help you get started with improving your self-care, I have a FREE 15-page Self-Care Workbook for you. Go ahead and grab it and get started showing yourself some more love! 




A Daily Self-Care Routine Is Essential


Do you practice self-care daily?  Ask yourself how often you make sure that you’re actually taking good care of yourself. This isn’t just about physical health, because it also includes your mental and emotional health. If you don’t take care of your needs as much as you do for the needs of others in your life, then it’s time for more balance between your home life, work life, and self-care.

When your self-care is lacking, you may even be experiencing some “burn-out”  in certain areas.  If this is the case, then it’s definitely time to start creating a daily self-care ritual. This doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming.  Listed below are the 15 best tips to take to create a  self-care routine. 



15 Best Tips For Self-Care


  • 1.   Set Health Goals

Health should always be considered a top priority in your life, and always when you are focusing more on self-care. Make a list of health goals to work for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. so you can practice more self-care on a daily basis. If you’re not doing good with taking care of your own well-being, it becomes harder to properly care for others in your life.

Good nutrition, exercise, hydration, and sleep are important health goals and are an essential part of a daily self-care practice. These things can also affect our mental and emotional health as well.  If you need to focus on one health goal to improve at a time, that’s ok. Setting goals is important because it gives you a plan of action and holds you accountable. Just set a goal and get started on it. 


  • 2.  Wake Up Early for More Self-Care

Are you the type of person who wakes up at the last minute, and runs frantically out the door to get to work or the kids to school on time?  Starting the day in this way puts a great deal of stress on you each morning before your day has really even taken off. Set an alarm to wake up at least 30 minutes earlier, and you will find a much calmer start to your day, giving you time for some morning self-care.

Make a schedule for your morning hours and your day that includes waking up earlier. Having a morning routine is a great way to make sure everything is taken care of in a timely manner, and allows you to start your day with confidence. As you check things off the list, you’ll have a feeling of accomplishment and less stress, and you’ve set the tone of the day with positivity.


  • 3.  Allow Yourself  Quiet Time

An important part of self-care is scheduling some quiet time. One way to do that is by getting up earlier in the morning before other family members awake. This is time you set aside just for yourself, before the demands of family or getting ready for work come into play. This is a much-needed time that nurtures your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. 

In this part of your day, close your eyes and sit in silence for a few minutes to reflect, pray, give gratitude, or whatever comes to mind. You could focus on some kind of positive message, affirmations, or positive self-talk. This will allow you to start your day feeling refreshed and centered as you meet the challenges that the day brings.  

(Or if morning just does not work for you, take that quiet time at night or during the day while the kiddos are napping. Find a time that works for you. Your needs are important!)


  • 4.  Make Healthy Food Choices

One of the first places you can start with self-care is by making healthy food choices. Having proper nutrition is a really positive way to make sure that you’re body is taken care of.  Nutrition fuels our bodies, and without good nutrition, our energy levels can suffer. With a small amount of research, you can learn how to make some really tasty healthy snacks and meals that will help you to feel satisfied and energized.

It’s important to make some type of meal plan and have a shopping list so you have the right kinds of foods on hand. Not planning in advance tends to lead to our making not-so-healthy food choices, especially when we’re hungry.  Choosing a good breakfast is important to start your day off right and help you to keep your performance at a high level throughout the day. 


  • 5.  Make Sure You’re Hydrated

How much water do you drink in a day? Hydration is something that many tend to overlook.  Actually, it’s important to drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning because our bodies get slightly dehydrated through the night. It will help to clear your mind of any morning fogginess and help set you up for a great day. 

Fill up a large water bottle to keep handy so you can continue to hydrate throughout the day. If you’ve fallen into the habit where you’ve replaced water with different types of soft drinks, now is a good time to change that habit.  Our bodies need and crave water to function properly. Often when we feel a wave of tiredness or think we’re hungry during the day, our body is craving water. 


  • 6.  Take Care of Daily Hygiene

If you like to shower in the morning, be sure to wake up early enough to allow yourself the time to have a relaxing shower so you feel invigorated when done. Or if you don’t have the time in the morning, having a nice, soothing bath or shower at night can do wonders for anyone. Add some bath salts or essential oils to your bath and let go of the stresses and tensions of the day. 

When you feel stressed or rushed, it can be a lot harder to take care of your daily hygiene needs, but taking this time is important to show yourself some love.  Put on something fresh that makes you feel pretty, style your hair, and maybe add a bit of lipstick. When you take the time to care for yourself, you’ll look and feel much better. 


  • 7.  Get Plenty of Rest

One of the best ways to treat yourself better would be to make sure that you get as much sleep as you need each night. This will ensure that you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning and are ready to take on the day. If that means going to bed 30 minutes earlier so you can get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning, then adjust your schedule. 

Proper sleep and rest are important because your body needs this time to recalibrate and make some repairs to your cells. If you don’t get the amount of rest you need, you will begin to feel tired all of the time, and the quality of your work and relationships around you will begin to suffer. We may have less patience with others or challenging situations that arise.  Also when the mind is fatigued, it’s easier to find ourselves less focused and doing routine tasks on autopilot.


  • 8.  Work in Some Exercise 

Working in some daily movement is a wonderful way to promote your overall well-being. Morning exercise is a great way to jumpstart your day. It can be as simple as some stretching exercises or some yoga. Exercise is so important for not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional health also, affecting your mood and creating much-needed endorphins.

One of the greatest ways to make yourself feel good is by simply getting out and going for a walk during the day. If you feel you don’t have the time in your busy day, work it into your work schedule somewhere, perhaps by walking for 10-15 minutes during a break or lunchtime. Put in an exercise video at home, and if you have little ones around, they can join in. Or put on some music and have your own dance party to uplift your mood as well as move your body.


  • 9.  Make Time To Journal 

If you struggle with finding purpose or direction for your life, writing down goals, dreams, and intentions can help you gain some clarity. Writing in a journal really helps you to learn more about yourself and it could become your new best friend. Daily journaling can take on different forms, and what you write about is completely your choice.

It’s always good to have a free thought journal to rattle off ideas, and musings, and simply reflect on things going on in your life. You can do an emotional dump on paper letting out things that are bothering you.  Journaling a daily gratitude list helps to create an awareness of all the good things in your life. A journal with prompts can give you some direction to focus your thoughts on.


  • 10.  Take Time To Sit & Read 

Make the time to simply sit and read for at least 10-15 minutes at some point during the day. Read something fun, fictional, something inspirational,  or some type of self-development. The choice is yours. Just choose something that you will enjoy and that makes you feel good.  

If you’re reading something inspirational, you could have your journal handy to jot down thoughts that come to you during that time. Enjoy a delicious beverage while you read. Combine reading time with your coffee break if you want. Read, write, and sip on your drink for a quiet, self-loving moment.


  • 11.   Enjoy a Cup of Coffee or Tea

If you are a person who enjoys a cup of coffee or herbal tea, take some time to just sit, relax and enjoy it, rather than grabbing it and drinking on the go. Use this for some quiet reflection time as you simply sit and savor the flavors. You could even add this to your morning quiet time.

Take this time to leisurely sip, and let it warm your heart and nurture your spirit. Sit in awareness of your surroundings and take in the sights, sounds, and smells around you.  Enjoy this as a quiet, meditative, self-loving moment. Or, combine this time with reading, listening to music, or a favorite podcast and enjoy both. Sometimes combining activities we enjoy helps us feel we have more time for the things we love to do.


  • 12.  Make Time For a New or Favorite Hobby

Creative self-expression is an often-overlooked part of mental health.  If you feel like your spirit needs a boost, find something like a new hobby or creative outlet that interests you. If you have an activity that you used to love but stopped because of a lack of time or energy, then maybe it’s time to work it back into your schedule.

Making time to do something fun and creative can add a fresh spark of joy to your day. You could try taking a painting class, learning a new instrument, or trying some type of crafting project. Working towards expressing yourself creatively can add a feeling of happiness and calm to your well-being.  It’s really a great way to show yourself some self-love.


  • 13.  Take an Afternoon to Pamper Yourself

Does your hair need a fresh cut? Making time to get a haircut or to try a new style can help to lift your spirits and make you feel pretty.  Take time out to get a relaxing pedicure or have your nails done.  Maybe you love a good massage, so put that on your schedule. 

 If you love shopping, take an afternoon to go to the mall or to your favorite boutiques. Take yourself out for lunch at your favorite restaurant. Or just get out in nature and sit and breathe the fresh air, take a hike, or go to a park. Allowing yourself time to give yourself some needed loving attention will definitely boost your mood.


  • 14. Take a Night Out With Your Spouse or Your Friends

Allowing time for a night out can do wonders for your emotional and mental well-being. Schedule a regular date night with your spouse or partner. Take that time to talk, laugh, and really connect. This can be a fun and relaxing time for you both.

Make plans to get together with friends you haven’t seen in a while. It’s always fun to reminisce and laugh about things you once did. Laughter is good for the soul. Sharing experiences and things you’re now going through with a friend can also be helpful for nourishing the soul.


  • 15.  Be Willing To Say No

Sometimes our schedules are so filled with commitments we’ve made to other people or to outside functions. Even our families can be very demanding of our time, and we don’t want to disappoint or let anyone down. But we could be sacrificing our own well-being in the process, and end up stressed, overwhelmed, or burned out.

If we’re always saying “yes” to the requests of others, we can get overwhelmed, frazzled, and find we have no time for ourselves. Give yourself permission to say “no” to things that you really don’t have time for or want to do.  Allow yourself the time needed for your own self-care. And by choosing to prioritize your needs, you will be better equipped to say yes to the things you do want to do.





When It Comes To Self-Care, Give yourself Grace


In reality, we can’t be perfect at everything. We can do the best we know how, and that’s all we can do. Always striving to do all and be all to others is what makes our own well-being suffer. Just as the year cycles through seasons of change, so do our lives. When it comes to self-care, we also have to consider what season of life we are in and give ourselves grace.

Taking care of ourselves and our needs must revolve around the season of life we’re in.  You may be a young mom at home with a baby or toddler, a busy working woman or mom,  in your mid-life stage, someone taking care of aging parents, or someone grieving a loss. In each case,  self-care will look a little different. We can each follow general self-care guidelines, but we must adjust our schedules to fit our needs and circumstance.

Life may even be hard for you at the moment, and you may even feel like you’re failing or making a mess of things. You are not! I’ve had those moments of self-doubt and feeling not good enough. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the grace to be in a period of growth.  Sometimes self-care requires baby steps, and every day is a chance to start fresh!


Final Thoughts on Self-Care Tips


  • Taking care of yourself better is important not only to you but also to everyone around you. When you aren’t practicing self-care every day, you are not as healthy physically, mentally, or emotionally as you could be. This means you aren’t at your best, and you aren’t able to give your best to others.  So use these 15 best tips for self-care to improve your well-being.                                                                                                                                                               

  • It’s also important to remember that things won’t always be perfect. There can be all kinds of little snags that can come up to knock us off our routine. It’s important to stay calm, remember the season of life you’re in, and that every moment can be a fresh start.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  • Remember that self-care is all about loving yourself more.  Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Use positive self-talk to remind yourself of how resilient you truly are. Find inspiration in the progress that you’ve made to date.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  • The more you practice and persist with making time for your self-care,  the more success you will have. Simply choose to be flexible and remember that small steps can create big changes.  Just be sure to remain patient and kind to yourself, and you will find yourself experiencing more joy in your life.     


Be sure to grab this FREE Self-Care Workbook to help you make your needs a priority!  




Do you have a great tip for self-care? Feel free to share and drop it in the comments!




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