20 Tips For Living Happy And Healthy

20 Tips For Living Happy & Healthy

Living happy and healthy must be an intentional choice we make every single day. Like so many women, I poured my energy into my family, friends, and career, without giving much thought to my own self-care. I am a caregiver by nature, and feel good when I am caring for others and making them happy.  But in doing that to the extreme, my own health and happiness got shuffled to the bottom of the priorities list.

Eventually, I was able to find balance. It was after finding myself overwhelmed, exhausted, and not feeling my best.  I have found that in practicing self-care, I am better able to love and care for others. I’ve found the best way to approach living happy and healthy is to keep it simple, and to be intentional every day in my thoughts and actions. Making small positive changes to your daily routine can have big benefits.

What Can I Do To Live Happier & Healthier?

You may be wondering, “What can I do to live happier and healthier?” I believe the two go hand in hand. Being happy is an intentional choice we make every day. Life is always going to have struggles and challenges, but despite those things we have blessings to be grateful and happy about. Sometimes situations stress us out, and if possible, get out of that situation. If you’re worried about something you have no control over, let it go. Don’t dwell on past mistakes or heartbreaks.

Focus on the present and the things that make you happy and that you enjoy doing.  When you are focused on staying in a positive, happy mood, you are more likely to take care of yourself physically. If you are eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep your energy levels and endorphins are increased. You feel good physically and therefore your mood is happier. 


20 Tips for Living Happy & Healthy

20 Tips For Living Happy And Healthy

1. Set Goals

Write down your goals for the year, the month, and the week. The first step towards achieving those goals is to write them down. At night, make a plan for the next day. I find that this sets me up for success. Think about past goals and how you achieved them, or why you weren’t able to. Don’t be afraid of past failures, but rather use them as learning experiences to move forward.

2. Start a Morning Ritual

Having a morning ritual can really help you set a positive tone for your day. Your morning ritual will be unique for you and your needs. You could wake up 30 minutes or an hour earlier than your kids and have some quiet time to yourself. I like to start my morning with some devotional time and reading in my Bible. Spend some time journaling. This could be your time to exercise or go for a run. Check your to-do list for the day and get excited!

3. Eat Healthier

We can all benefit from eating healthier. Good nutrition is essential to looking and feeling great. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, eat whole grains and lean meats. Cutting back on sugary drinks and foods can help our bodies feel better and give us more energy. Read labels and watch for added sugars, artificial ingredients, and preservatives. Avoid processed foods as much as possible and cook at home more.

4. Move Your Body

Get started with a regular exercise routine. It not only tones your body and burns calories, but will increase endorphins and make you feel happy! Join a gym if possible or plug in a workout video at home. Get out and walk, even if it’s just around the block or down the road. Put some music on and dance around the house as you clean. You may have a job that requires sitting at a desk for hours. Whatever your situation, schedule in time for some exercise and get your body moving.

5. Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Losing weight has always been a popular goal for many. Whether you need to lose some pounds, or gain some, having a plan will help towards achieving your goal. Maybe you are at your ideal weight, then have a plan to stay that way. Meal planning and preparation ahead of time will help set you up for success. Have healthy snacks on hand at home or at work. Being active will also help in working towards your goal so make time for some regular exercise.

6. Get Plenty of Sleep

When well rested, you are better equipped to embrace the day with positivity and handle challenges that come along. We tend to have more patience and lower stress levels. It’s easier to make healthier eating choices and maintain a healthy weight. Mental clarity is sharper and we can be more productive. The optimal amount of sleep a person needs depends on the individual, so listen to what your body tells you.

7. Drink More Water

It is so important to keep our bodies hydrated! Obviously we have to have water to survive, but so many of us drink minimal amounts each day. Our bodies crave water, and often when we think we are hungry, our bodies need water. Drinking plenty of water helps our digestive systems to function better, our minds to think more clearly, increases our energy levels, and hydrates our skin. If you don’t really care for water, add in some fresh fruits to flavor your water.

8. Keep a Food and Exercise Journal

Even if you are setting goals to eat healthier and exercise regularly, it’s important to track your progress. Write down those goals and keep track of what you do to move each day. Make a list of things you’ve eaten and look for patterns in what is working well for you, and what gets you off track. Celebrate your progress and reward yourself. And even if you go out for pizza or ice cream to celebrate your child making the baseball team, it’s okay. You just get back on track the next day!

9. Schedule in Time for Self-Care

We all have active lives and the demands on your time are great, If you have young children sometimes it’s even hard to go to the bathroom alone!. We fall into bed exhausted and wonder where the time went. It’s important to make some time for yourself, whether it’s in the morning before the kids get up, or after they go to bed. Do something to nourish your mind and soul, such as a hot bath with some soft music playing, some inspirational reading, or an appointment with your hairdresser.

20 tips for living a happy and healthy life!

10. Keep a Positive Attitude

Mindset and attitude are so important in achieving goals and being happy. When you wake up in the morning tell yourself it’s going to be a great day! Believe in yourself and your abilities and strengths. Face challenges and setbacks with positivity. Look at difficulties as learning experiences and say “thank you.” How you react to things in your life, good or bad, is a choice you make. Choose happy!

11. Journal

Journaling can serve many purposes. Reflect on your day about things that made you happy and things that bothered you. Make a list of things that you enjoy and make you happy. Vow to do more of those things. Write about things that inspire you, your hopes and dreams. I find that writing things down and reflecting can bring clarity and insight. It’s really also about taking some time for yourself and self-care.

12. Practice Gratitude Every Day

Grateful people are happy people. When you wake up in the morning be grateful to be alive to enjoy a new day. Practice saying thank you throughout the day for little things. Even if things are not going that well in your life, there is always something to be grateful for. Write down things you are grateful for in your journal, keeping a running list. When you lay your head down at night say “thank you” for your blessings.

13. Stop Negative Self-Talk

Life can be difficult at times and negativity can creep in. When you begin to think negative thoughts stop yourself a remind yourself of the good things in your life. Feeling grateful can help chase the negativity away. Accept your imperfections and don’t say negative things about yourself. If you catch yourself doing this, stop yourself and start reciting positive affirmations. Tell yourself things like, “I am smart, capable, confident, kind, and beautiful.” Remind yourself of things you’re good at such as cooking or gardening,  This is a way to practice self-love.

14. Start a “Family Night” Ritual

Schedule a special time each week for family time, whether it be Friday or Saturday night, or Sunday afternoon. Have a movie and popcorn night. Plan a family game night where you all sit down and play games. When my kids were growing up, Monopoly and Skip-Bo were favorites. Now with my little grandkids, it’s Candy Land and Go Fish. If the weather is nice, a picnic and play at the park is always fun. Whatever activity you choose for your family, it will be a fun time that your kids will love and remember, and so will you!

15. Spend Time Outdoors

Find at least 10 minutes a day to get outside and enjoy nature. Breathe deeply and smell the fresh air. Listen to the birds sing, the wind rustling through the trees, and feel happy to be alive! Take a stroll through the grass. Look up at the sky and soak in some sun or admire the beautiful night sky. Relax and feel connected to nature.

16. Take Time To Read & Learn

Learning, growing, and being inspired is a form of self-love. Carve out some time to read something that stimulates you and makes you feel good. I also love audio books and listen on Audible as I’m cleaning, cooking, out walking or working out. Put value on your self-development and make time for it.

17. Schedule Date Nights

Plan a night out with your partner or your girlfriends. Put a date on the calendar every week or two and make it happen. Go out and forget about work, problems with kids, or any other responsibilities and stresses. Talk, laugh, and enjoy yourself!

18. Get Organized

When you get organized it’s much easier to be productive in your daily tasks. Have a schedule and a checklist for things you want to accomplish. if your kitchen is organized and meals planned for the day, you are more likely to eat healthy. Organized closets and drawers help you know where to find things when you need them. A lack of organization can get you frustrated to the point you lose focus on your tasks and time is wasted. When I feel organized and things are planned out, I’m in a happier, calmer mood.

19. Meditate

Find some time to sit quietly and calm your mind, even if just for a few minutes. Take a few deep breaths and just focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and let go of all stress and overwhelm. Feel connected to your spirit and let your body relax. You will feel more peaceful and happy. If you are new to meditating, start slowly and work into it.

20. Smile and Spread Kindness

A simple smile may be all it takes to brighten someone’s day. And smiling just makes me feel happier! We all do loving acts of kindness for our families each day. But at least once a week take it beyond that and do a random act of kindness for a friend, neighbor, or a complete stranger. Make a meal for a neighbor who’s been sick. Help out that friend with a new baby. Send a card to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Help an elderly person carry their groceries. Doing nice things for others not only makes them happy, but you feel good too.

One Last Thing To Remember

  • Life happens every day.  People get sick, our kids go through rough patches, there are deaths. Something may come along that gets you off track for a short time. It’s OK! You don’t need to think “I’ve messed up” and scrap the whole thing. You just begin again. These tips are here to help you create habits that will help you when times get tough. Every day is a chance for a fresh start!
  • Taking care of yourself is an act of love, not only for yourself but for your family! You can’t pour from an empty cup. When we feel good physically, as well as emotionally, we are better able to care for our families. Make the choice every day to be intentional in your thoughts and actions. As you work towards a healthier, happier you, remember that progress is more important than perfection. Don’t use mistakes as a reason to give up. Love yourself enough to keep striving to be your healthiest, happiest self! 

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❤️ Chris



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