My Journey To Health And Wellness

My Journey To Health & WellnessMy Journey to Health & Wellness


My personal journey to health and wellness began about 10 years ago when my son was about to get married. This was my first encounter with seriously changing my eating habits. My husband and I were in our 50’s and had both put on some weight since the kids had moved out. We were eating out more and fixing things that were quick and easy for two people. We both decided that we wanted to make a change and lose weight so we would look and feel better for the wedding in Las Vegas.

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Taking Steps To A Healthier Me

I started researching diets and found the South Beach Diet online and it sounded like something we could be happy doing. I bought the book, which gave very good information on how good nutrition works to keep the body healthy, do’s and don’ts, and how the diet was designed to work. It included meal plans and recipes for each of the three phases of the diet, which were very helpful.

In a nutshell, the diet focuses on low carbs, eating lots of lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies, and only whole grains. You cut out the refined carbs, sugars, and sweets and eliminate processed food. There are 3 meals a day, and 3 small snacks included, morning, noon, and night, to keep the metabolism revved up. We did it faithfully and lost the weight we wanted and were looking good by the wedding!

It took some meal planning and prep work on Sundays to prepare for the week, which I found really enjoyable. We both had busy jobs so planning ahead was important for the success of the diet. I planned meals and snacks for the week, made a grocery list, went to the store and shopped on the weekend. I then came home and washed and chopped veggies and fruits. I cooked chicken to have readily available in the refrigerator.

Obstacles Along the Way

I continued to cook the South Beach meals and recipes we loved.  But as the busyness and challenges of life came along, we’d gotten off track a number of times. I was teaching kindergarten, which is a super busy job, and worked late into the evenings many days.  Lunch at work was quick and often eaten while muti-tasking. Coming home and cooking did not always happen if I had not prepped and planned ahead, because I was just worn out.

. Although  we both were happy with a big, hearty salad with fresh veggies, that of course takes some shopping and meal planning. And  I didn’t always make time to do that. We had begun traveling more on weekends and spending time with the grandkids, and meal planning got shuffled to the back burner. Even though I knew what I needed to do to be prepared with healthy meals, I just didn’t always have the energy or make time for it. 

Back on Track With My Health

About  5 years ago I found myself really worn out and overwhelmed with the demands of work and family. I wasn’t sleeping good and was dealing with joint discomfort and digestive issues.  I knew I had to start making my health a priority because I was not giving my best to my family or students. That was not the version of myself I wanted to be. A friend told me about a nutritional supplement she was taking that had helped her so much with energy, mental clarity, and discomfort.

I knew I needed something to change, so as January 2014 began, I made a promise to myself to take charge of my health and work on it every day. I ordered those supplements and began taking them daily. Within days I had more energy and was more focused on tasks. After 2 weeks of starting this, I found I was sleeping great and my joint discomfort was gone. The probiotics were really helping my digestive system and I just felt healthier.

Taking Charge Of My Health

I started meal planning again and fixing healthy lunches and dinners. I just knew I had to make it a priority. Once again I made the time to shop and prep in advance.  It wasn’t always fancy, and sometimes it was simply a big salad with veggies and some protein, but it was nutritious. I started carrying healthy snacks with me to work and always had a water bottle along.  Positive changes were being made in my lifestyle because I was taking charge of my health! 

I lost some unwanted weight I had gained back and continued to feel better about myself. I was energized and happier with myself and life in general. Each day I worked to make time for some physical exercise. I wore my Fitbit and made sure I got at least 10,000 steps each day. I continued with my health supplements because they helped me so much with my joint health, digestion, and energy.  In taking better care of myself, I realized I was better able to care for others. I was happier and more confident because I truly felt good! 

My Journey to Health & Wellness


Where My Journey Has Led Me

The past year I have focused on clean eating as I plan nutritious meals. I’ve experimented with making healthier versions of some of my favorite recipes.  I’ve always loved cooking and baking, but some of the old favorites did not fit in with my lifestyle changes. New recipes have become new favorites. I still use my South Beach Diet cookbook and research better ways of cooking healthy.

Do I always meet my diet and exercise goals? No, not always. We travel, we eat out at times, and we have busy days. But I evaluate my day each night and celebrate my daily successes. I think about what I need or want to do differently the next day. I commit myself to start each morning with positivity, intention, and a plan.

I’d like you to join me in making positive changes towards your own health and wellness. Start by writing down one thing you would like to do differently with your diet. And then write down one thing you could begin to do to add some more exercise to your day. Then commit to start.  Each day is a new beginning and chance to be better than the day before.

I hope hearing about my health and wellness journey will help and inspire you in yours. Please feel free to comment about something you are doing on your personal journey. I’d love to hear it!

❤️ Chris


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